
Not to Worry about the Roaming Charges when You Travel to Europe

Monday, March 28, 2011 0 comments

Now whether you travel to Europe or in Europe, you have the freedom to use your cell phone anytime, anywhere! Getting worried over roaming expenses during international tours is such a pass now, thanks to Rebelfone’s amazing International wireless solutions. With its low cost country specific, and cluster specific plans, you no longer need a separate...

Cutting Down your International Roaming Charges with

Monday, March 21, 2011 0 comments

Paying heavy duty international roaming charges during your stay abroad is such a passé now. Its time to be a rebel and do things the new way! Rebelfone provides you local cell phone solutions in the country you are travelling to, so that you do not have to pay hefty amounts of money on international...

Satellite Phone Rental Package to Come with Low Rental and Call Rates with

Wednesday, March 16, 2011 0 comments

Sat Phones Technology shouldn’t aim at making mankind comfortable. Instead, it should revolutionize the way it lives. With a similar motto, Rebelfone offers a unique service that stands apart in the communication market of today- Satellite Phone Rental. Now you can literally travel to the ends...

International Cell Phone Rentals Making world a Small Place

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 0 comments

For those who like to travel, the world is definitely not enough anymore. And to stay connected in this globalized village, International Cell Phone Rentals have become the way to go! No need to be jittery about going off to some foreign country now, because staying in touch with your loved ones is now not just easy, but economical as well. Whether...

Rebelfone now Offers International Cell Phone Rentals at just $1 per day

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 0 comments

RebelFone, a leading international global phone service provider is announcing its international cell phone rental services. What is more exciting is that these services can be rented by paying just a $1 per day. It is very cost – effective plan for global travelers who are flying to and from US. The company made this announcement recently which...

Cell Phone Services Used by Global Frequent Travelers to and from US

Thursday, March 10, 2011 0 comments

With increasing globalization, increasing number of people is traveling abroad for various reasons.  It has created an equally great need of staying connected with their base and homes and better channels of communication. The United States of America is the most visited land and therefore, more and more cell phones companies are providing world...

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